When you introduce your personal data (such as your e-mail address) on this website, you agree to subscribe to our mailing list and to receive promotional messages. The personal information you introduce on this website will not be used by us to send you unsollicited promotional messages. The purpose of collecting this data is the sending of promotional messages, marketing and advertising.
The data you introduce to subscribe to the newsletter will be used exclusively to promote our own products and the products of our partners and friends. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the "Unsubscribe link" at the bottom of each e-mail message. If you did not receive a welcome e-mail please contact us.
You have the right to access your data, to change it, the right not to be a victim of a personal decision and the right to adress a court room. Also, you have the right to oppose storing and collecting your personal data and to request for data deletion. In order to do so, you should either click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each e-mail if you want to unsubscribe from the newsletter or you can send a written request to to ask for the deletion of all your personal data from our database.